5 posts tagged “react native”

UseEffect, UsePrevious and handling render issues inside a complex React Native Swiper Component.

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Intro So today I finally wanted to talk to you about some of the issues I had and how I finally undestood how to use useEffect hook to make my feature work. I've been implementing a Swiper inside a…

Learning React Native

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Today I have an answer to a question I got asked a lot of in my instagram DM's How to learn React Native? First and foremost, I started learning this framework 2+ years ago. It looked and worked a…

Solving React Native issues

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Working with React Native for the past two years taught me about solving specific problems that often occur when working with this library. I've prepared a list of few ways to solve these problems.…

5 Visual Studio Code extensions for React Native Developers

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Extensions As many of you that follow me on Instagram know. I use Visual Studio Code when working with code. I had some question about some extensions that I could recommend so here's a list of…

React Native Quick Introduction

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React By the end of May, React had it's 5th birthday, so it's a good time to write a post about introduction to React and React Native world. React was created by** Jordan Walke**, a software engineer…

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