Today I have an answer to a question I got asked a lot of inmy instagramDM's
First and foremost, I started learning this framework 2+ years ago. It looked and worked a little bit different than today. Also a lot of material i used for learning it has gotten old.
Nowadays, I'm learning a new part of the framework whenever I need it in the apl I'm building. Most of the times I'm using awesome official React Native document for it.
In aintroduction postI opened this blog last year. i wrote last year. I recommend a few great sources for learning JavaScript and React framework. Those are necessary prerequisites to start learning and using React Native.
Now, there's a ton of great knowledge available to learn React Native. I myself try to contribute to sharing this knowledge by writing Instagram posts and articles for blog.
There are a few fundamental elements of React Native, that you have to familiarize yourself with and this is a short list of which I'm going to expand on more in the future.
Every of this subject is a very broad section. There are tons of great resources online for learning them I myself will try to focus on providing you the most valuable and practical knowledge on 5 and 4 in the upcoming posts.
Stay tuned!
October 23, 2019